Welcome to my blog on adoption!  Since retiring from my practice as a private adoption practitioner, I am no longer adding additional blog entries.  However, I hope that the information contained within my past blogs will be of interest and help to those of you currently pursuing adoption.  Happy reading!                  Lori

Showing Tag: "youth" (Show all posts)

Voices of Youth *** Updated ***

Posted by Lori Rosove on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, In : Adoption 
Three years after starting the project to write my book on the voices of adopted youth (see my blog on September 26, 2017), I am so pleased to announce mission accomplished!  23: Voices of Adopted Youth is complete and available in print and as an e-reader!  I am so very grateful for all 23 of the youth who gave their valuable time to help make this book possible.  Click here for more details.

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Voices of Youth

Posted by Lori Rosove on Tuesday, September 26, 2017, In : Adoption 
It may have taken 16 years, but I finally feel the urge to write another book. Since Rosie continues to happily make her way into the hands of many children, I felt I should honour her for her tenacity, longevity, and stick to it-ness. Technically she should be 23 years old, right? Well, she was 7 in 2001 and so...she has to be 23 in 2017.  As a 23 year old, Rosie probably has some great insight to share with the world about her adoption experience. So, it makes perfect sense that my next boo...
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