adoption support > parenting workshop > Workshop Formats
The workshop is available in three size formats. Due to the differences in the number of participants, various aspects of the workshop changes resulting in different benefits for each format. The large group format is much like a class room course that is held when there are a sufficient number of participants. The small group format is made available when friends or people connected through organizations, support groups, etc. collectively organize for a workshop session. Finally, the private session is made available for a personalized version of the workshop.
The different benefits of each format is summarized as follows:
Large Group Small Group Private Session
Number of participants 8 or more 3 - 7 1 - 2
Can be held at your home No Yes Yes
Course needs a minimum to proceed Yes Yes No
Can Include Guest Speaker Yes No No
Incorporates Support Group Dynamics Yes Yes No
Can share and discuss personal experiences Limited Moderately Extensively
Includes a comprehensive course package Yes Yes Yes