Adoption Support -> Adoptive Parent Coaching
Parenting Coaching
Despite all of the planning and up front work you have done to prepare for your adopted child's arrival, things may be tougher than expected now that he or she is home. Children often experience a tremendous transition as they are moving from foster home or orphanage to your home and their all encompassing fear can result in behaviour that is very challenging for parents.
You may have already read books, gone to workshops, and attended support groups, but sometimes a personal, one-on-one approach is also needed to help you achieve the changes you are looking for.
Lori draws on her decades of experience within the adoption field along with extensive knowledge in leading adoption research to successfully help adoptive parents through the tougher moments.
Coaching services can be received through in person office visits and/or by our virtual session options, whichever you prefer. All modes of coaching can be very helpful and Lori is happy to structure a coaching program that will most benefit you.
Virtual Coaching Options
We live in a world with seemingly endless opportunities for convenient communication. No doubt, there are differences between communicating in person versus through technology, however, we have found that for the purpose of parenting coaching, online communication is very effective.
Virtual coaching sessions can be done by:
- Telephone
- Video (via Skype)
- Text Chat
Some advantages of our online modes of communication include:
- No travel time (especially helpful in bad weather).
- Remain in the comfort of your own space.
- Do not have to be located in Ottawa.
- Both parents (if applicable) can be in different locations and connected via conference calling (via phone, Skype or chatting).
- Coaching time can be divided into shorter length sessions.
- Writing modes (email / text chat) provide written records of the session that can be reviewed again at a later date.
- Email sessions allow for long periods of time to reflect on responses which is often very helpful.
- Writing is also a proven beneficial process as it can be cathartic and therapeutic allowing you to clarify your thoughts.
How It Works
Please use the form on the right to send us a request for a coaching session. We will respond within 1 business day to your request by email or by phone (whichever is your preference) and send you available time slots for your first session.
All sessions are booked 1 hour at a time regardless of the coaching method you prefer (e.g. in person, by phone, by email, etc.). In advance of the session you remit payment by cheque or by Interac e-transfer. For session cost information, please click here.
For all methods of coaching our hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm EST (subject to Lori's availability). Email sessions are "as received" and guaranteed responded to within 1 business day.
Have more questions?
Please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking here if you wish to receive more information on our coaching services.